310807 Friday
/yawn. Wake up at freaking 0530h, prepared and ve breakfast and by 0800h, we walked over to Logitech to ask for a Suzhou map and everyones then ready to acc Audrey to search for her EtonHouse International School (where her internship is). And damn, we actually stopped one bustop earlier and walked ONE BIG ROUND (from 邓尉路 to 金山路).
Steaming Man Tou, and guess we gonna ve that for breakfast for the next two weeks:
Audreys school, EtonHouse:

Then it was another round of shopping at Carrefour and POOOF!, there goes our RMB 790+ ):
Seriously, I rrly pity that cashier; our meals actually RMB 78.50, but guess shes blurred or what, she gave me change -- RMB 78.50 instead. LOL!

Damn, I searched high&low for my KINDER BUENOS la and I bought like half of whats left on e shelf!; and we saw Singapore Flavored products, hahaha:
And they were selling this, in Carrefour? x: Whatever~
The longer the moe expensive it is? No lor, the blacker then more exp lor.
Tired. Took cab home, FMGT again and yes, poor Audreys beat.
And finally, we had nuggets for dinner and I COOKED that alright; okay, i FRIED that at least:
And guess what my roomies are doing? THEYSTOLE THE WOODEN PLANKS FROM OTHER APARTMENT (whichs under construction) AND USED THEM TO HANG OUR CLOTHES; LOL! How creative and thrifty are we~ :b
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