101007 Wednesday
WOOOT! Check out e weather in Suzhou now ya; its the kind of weather which youll never get to enjoy in Singapore. I was watching the news minutes ago and it reported that the weather in Singapore nows 26-32 degrees; sorry but /shakehead~ =b
Anyway, tons of work re pilinggggg -- Five positions to recruit and Three documents to translate. HOW SAD.
烧香区 =D

可怜的我 am too tired to cook but hungry la, so bought 扬州炒饭 back and added 爱心牌 Heh Bee Hiam from my mama to it:

And seriously, to live alone in a foreign countrys never easy, but thanks to all the support Ive from family and friends, Ive at least walked till this far.
*Dont forget to checkout the videos taken over the Golden Week too! (:
Okay people, Ill stop promoting these videos after this week.
Laters! http://www.imeem.com/tag/egglessjourney/people
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