030907 Monday

Alright, first day is cool, orientation here, orientation there and I GONNA GIVE A PRESENTATION ON THE “OVERVIEW INTRODUCTION OF SINGAPORE” to the whole recruitment team on FRIDAY!? @!#$%^& And yes, it thus means that its time for assignment again. But seriously, am really looking forward to the orientation (to newly recruited employees) that I hafta conduct in weeks time. WOOHOO~ *Check out my Employee Pass; they printed the wrong name la, urgh.

OMG, am freaking excited la; Todays the first day of my OIAP in Logitech Technology (Suzhou) Co., Ltd! And seriously, though I gonna look damn formal today but bopian, first impressions always superly important ya? (:

Alright, first day is cool, orientation here, orientation there and I GONNA GIVE A PRESENTATION ON THE “OVERVIEW INTRODUCTION OF SINGAPORE” to the whole recruitment team on FRIDAY!? @!#$%^& And yes, it thus means that its time for assignment again. But seriously, am really looking forward to the orientation (to newly recruited employees) that I hafta conduct in weeks time. WOOHOO~ *Check out my Employee Pass; they printed the wrong name la, urgh.

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