150907 Saturday
Woke up early in the morning and ready to go 石路 to shop, WOOHOO! Enjoy people~
Freaking lotsa nice food here la; And it has like a longer version of Chinatown 美食街:
PEOPLE THIS IS MY ALL TIME HOT FAV! 鸭血粉丝汤! And thanks roomies for waiting while Ive this (Yes, they just sit there and watch because they dont find it as fascinating as me :D)
Duck Tongue, w I think it totally look like Fallopian Tube ya X=
Anyway, I videoed the whole process and its uploaded at imeem*:
Seriously, I think their standard of roadshow model.. Hmm.. 上有天堂,下有苏杭?Hmm... But dont deny I did some very chio ones before (not here though):
So princessy and its so not me. X=
Anyway, we were in this boutique shopping and fooling around ha.
Argh, I then realise I look so superly aunty, with that Flowery C***a Umbrella.
LEMMI EXPLAIN: My roomies were happily choosing Pirated VCDs from this store w specially sell PVCDs; /shakehead. And I didnt join in the fun alright.

Freaking hell, guess this bakery shop damn 赚钱 lor; everywhere I see long. But seriously we tried their mooncakes (not the one the people are queueing for) and its nice ya.

We then left 石路 for 钱万里桥小商品市场.

We always define the 小商品市场 as some place like Bugis Village, BUT we finally know why everyones asking us not to go there; Checkout yourselves:

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